Saturday, May 31, 2008

RSS feeds...simple...really?

Okay, I found this one difficult to do. I suppose this may be because I tried to use the directions given for adding feeds, but they didn't work. So, I just had to figure it all out on my own. I like the idea of only having to go to one place to read all of the news info I am interested in. This new account has become my Super Target...a one-shop stop.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tivo is like manna from heaven!

I bought myself Tivo about 2 years ago, and I don't think I have watched live tv since. I usually rave about Tivo...except last night. I Tivoed American Idol. I watched the whole thing until the very end to find out who won. All I got was "the winner of American Idol 2008 is David...Cook." ding Do I want to delete the show? I stood up. WHAT?!?!? So, I got on YouTube this morning and was able to watch the last couple of minutes of AI.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Originally uploaded by ~Aphrodite
This is my 2nd blog for week 3. I loved this photo and found it when I used a third party mashup. It kind of reminds me of my eye. I am having so much fun with this new technology that is out there. Well, I guess it isn't "new," but it is new to me. I do know that some people are having problems and getting frustrated. That is to be expected. I just hope that they stick with it. It is just amazing what is out there waiting for discovery!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Rocks of Gold

Rocks of Gold
Originally uploaded by David G Kelly
This is a beautiful picture that caught my eye. I've never been to Dublin, but how beautiful!

Blogging in libraries

I think blogging for library staff would be great. We could use it like a list serve for staff and administration only. This way we could pass on new ideas and discoveries as well as asking other branches how they handle certain problems. It would be fun and easy.

Life-long learner

I think the 71/2 habits of life-long learning apply to everyone. We need to set goals for ourselves. We need to continue to challenge ourselves. Without this, we are just spectators in life. Life is not a spectator sport! I don't think I will have any problem with these habits unless Gmail disables my account again. :-)