Thursday, June 26, 2008!

I loved editing the libray's wiki. I enjoyed that. I added more than just 2 favorite things. I wanted to add something to each list, but I refrained. :-( Anyway, that was a great exercise. I have really had a good time doing this weeks research. I know that I will be using wikis in the very near future.

Wikis...what's that?

Actually, I have hheard of wikis. We use Wikipedia for some types of information searches. Because anyone can edit this site, we always double check our information before giving it out to a patron. I enjoyed this exercise very much. I took a look at some of the online tutorials that different libraries have. They are used to teach patrons and students how to access the different databases and use them correctly. In my last post I stated that I thought we need to employ more people to teach patrons how to use our Internet tools. Well, these online tutorials are excellent for that kind of thing. It could really help us out in the long run if we had all kinds of tutorials available for patrons to use. They might like it too. I think wikis are a great idea for libraries, and I wish that my family had had their own personal one so that we could have planned and coordinated our Mediterranian vacation better. It sure would have helped.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Icebergs in the library

I agree with everything that the author of the "iceberg" article wrote. WE do need to free up space in our libraries for more computers and less books. As more and more information becomes available on the web, we can then offer specualized information that isn't readily available everywhere. Also, we need more people to train our patrons on how to use databases, word prosessors, and fill out online forms. I really do not like having to explain to a patron with no computer knowledge that I can get him/her to the website needed, but after that they are on their own. Most patrons end up leaving the library disappointed and dissatisfied. We just don't have enough workers to have one on one sessions with patrons. I think that is a shame since it is these same patrons who contribute to our salaries by paying taxes. Maybe I am unrealistic and naive, but I think we are losing a very important part of our community when we can not provide the training that patrons need.


Okay, I get the concept behind this tool, but I don't think that I would use this myself. I looked in the advanced search and the tags for web 2.0. I was amazed how many blogs mention our library system. It seems we are known for our links to other book sites and lists of books. That is good. A lot of people out there are blogging about web 2.0. It was interesting to read what the different bloggers thought about it. Some were very positive and others weren't. I didn't see much middle ground there.

Didn't think I'd like

I am glad that I had to do this exercise. When I first looked at this site a year or so ago, it made no sense to me at all. I thought, "Who would want to tag websites? Just add them to your favorites." Well, that can get messy, especially as a reference librarian. I enjoyed the YouTube tutorial explanation of what is what it can do for you. It made perfect sense, and I am now going to start using it. The example that Lee gave about teachers using this technology is "spot on." I can see reference librarian using it a lot too. It should be a recommended site for reference people.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Brilliance of the Seas in Santorini

This is where I will be in a few days!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Anniston Al

Anniston Al
Originally uploaded by bigkyle28
This is the church where my parents got married...only 3 months after they met and 2 months before my dad shipped out to Korea.

Anniston, Alabama

Anniston, Alabama
Originally uploaded by hyperjet
Here is a very nice picture of the outskirts of Anniston, Alabama. You can see the mountains in the background.

WebFeat is Neat

Instead of looking up my hometown of West Palm Beach, Florida, I looked up the hometown of my mother, Anniston, Alabama. Anniston is located about 1 hour east of Birmingham on I-20. Not a lot has changed since my grandma died back in 1995. That was the last time I was there. It is still pretty much a company town. It was when my grandpa was born, and it seems it will continue to be so. My grandpa worked for the steel mill that was there, and so did his dad and grandad. My grandparents married young, and he promised my grandma that his children were going to get out of Alabama and do something different with their lives. Unfortunately, they only had my mother. She did get out of town though. When she married my dad, who was from Nebraska, they moved out to the west coast of the U.S.A. when my dad shipped out to the Korean War. Anyway, I always loved to visit my grandma in Anniston. It was such a different atmosphere from south Florida. I loved to play in the red clay. Of course my mother hated it when I did. WebFeat is a great tool, and it has already made such adifference to many patrons at our library.

Library Thing

I thought this was a really neat idea. I belong to GoodReads, but I will keep this up as well. It is a nice way for friends and whomever to see what you are reading, have read, and want to read. This is my catalog

Image Generators...really fun!

I loved playing with image generators. My favorite would have to be my new nun name...Sister Vonda Rumplescrewz. I went to a local Catholic high school and apparently I looked like one of the nuns. So, several of the priests called me Sister Helen. That generator took me back to the days of high school where there was so much drama and yet your whole life was ahead of you. Ahhhh. Anyway, I simply looved this generator called LetterJames. Here is the url. I liked it because you could personalize signs to say what you wanted them to say...really cute for a party.