Wednesday, June 4, 2008

WebFeat is Neat

Instead of looking up my hometown of West Palm Beach, Florida, I looked up the hometown of my mother, Anniston, Alabama. Anniston is located about 1 hour east of Birmingham on I-20. Not a lot has changed since my grandma died back in 1995. That was the last time I was there. It is still pretty much a company town. It was when my grandpa was born, and it seems it will continue to be so. My grandpa worked for the steel mill that was there, and so did his dad and grandad. My grandparents married young, and he promised my grandma that his children were going to get out of Alabama and do something different with their lives. Unfortunately, they only had my mother. She did get out of town though. When she married my dad, who was from Nebraska, they moved out to the west coast of the U.S.A. when my dad shipped out to the Korean War. Anyway, I always loved to visit my grandma in Anniston. It was such a different atmosphere from south Florida. I loved to play in the red clay. Of course my mother hated it when I did. WebFeat is a great tool, and it has already made such adifference to many patrons at our library.

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