Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wikis...what's that?

Actually, I have hheard of wikis. We use Wikipedia for some types of information searches. Because anyone can edit this site, we always double check our information before giving it out to a patron. I enjoyed this exercise very much. I took a look at some of the online tutorials that different libraries have. They are used to teach patrons and students how to access the different databases and use them correctly. In my last post I stated that I thought we need to employ more people to teach patrons how to use our Internet tools. Well, these online tutorials are excellent for that kind of thing. It could really help us out in the long run if we had all kinds of tutorials available for patrons to use. They might like it too. I think wikis are a great idea for libraries, and I wish that my family had had their own personal one so that we could have planned and coordinated our Mediterranian vacation better. It sure would have helped.

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