Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Icebergs in the library

I agree with everything that the author of the "iceberg" article wrote. WE do need to free up space in our libraries for more computers and less books. As more and more information becomes available on the web, we can then offer specualized information that isn't readily available everywhere. Also, we need more people to train our patrons on how to use databases, word prosessors, and fill out online forms. I really do not like having to explain to a patron with no computer knowledge that I can get him/her to the website needed, but after that they are on their own. Most patrons end up leaving the library disappointed and dissatisfied. We just don't have enough workers to have one on one sessions with patrons. I think that is a shame since it is these same patrons who contribute to our salaries by paying taxes. Maybe I am unrealistic and naive, but I think we are losing a very important part of our community when we can not provide the training that patrons need.

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